100 Health Tips Part 2

100 health tips

100 Health Tips Part 2

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21 – 24 100 Health Tips
  1. 100 health tips
    100 health tips
    Junk foods mean useless. It does not do any good to your body. It is high in sodium, calories and a lot of chemical ingredients to attract buyers with artificial flavoring. Instead of buying junk foods for your snacks and break time, substitute it with nutritious fruits and vegetables.


  1. Reduce your sugar gradually in your hot or cold drinks until you don’t need it White sugar does not contain any vitamins or minerals, and brown sugar contains a very small amount of no nutritional importance. Sugar and honey are also fattening and can cause tooth decay.


  1. Give fruit or toys instead of giving candies and sweets to children as present or reward. Children as young associative learners will later associate harmful foods with good events. This might overshadow their thinking about the true value of a healthy and nutritious diet. As much as possible, practice a healthy lifestyle with the young


  1. It is important to be careful about how much you eat. Know the intended number of servings of packed foods before eating. Some packed noodles can be small in packages but they sometimes prepared for two or more persons. Others fail to realize this and eat the whole pack of noodles making their calories and food intake double.
25 – 28 100 Health Tips
  1. Eat more Whitefish is low in fat and oily fish has high omega 3-fatty acids. Fish oil or omega 3-fatty acids are unsaturated oil that cannot be found in other food sources. It will help the body combat cholesterol and will help maintain a healthy heart function.


  1. Omega 3-fatty acid is beneficial in getting rid of cholesterol but for those who do not like to eat oily fish can substitute Flaxseeds It is composed of Omega 3 fatty acid which is available in different nutrition stores. You can take this once a week as your food supplement.


  1. Be careful of what you buy in the grocery store, an attractive food package and expensive price do not necessarily mean that it is Famous product endorsers can also be very convincing but you should not believe everything you see and hear from them. You should have your knowledge of what is good for you.


  1. The most important thing to know about allergy is the allergen. Allergens are substances that trigger allergy which can be in the form of dust, pet’s hair, scents, pollen, and smoke. Trace the pattern of your Sneezing after cleaning your house might mean that your allergens are dust.
29 – 32 100 Health Tips
  1. Do an elimination dieting if you suspect that you are allergic to Do this gradually by eliminating each food you usually eat for a period of 2 to 4 weeks to see changes. The process will be repeated oppositely by introducing again the eliminated food to see if allergic symptoms will be manifested.


  1. The best way to deal with a food allergy is to avoid its triggering factor. Check food labels carefully for additives that can cause you allergic reactions. If you suspect that a specific additive can cause you the allergy, avoid those as much as you can. Consider fresh and unprocessed


  1. Monitor your food intake by keeping a diary. List down all your activities including all the foods you eat. Take note of when your allergies begin to It may establish a connection between your allergic reactions and a particular food, or something like scents, soap, cosmetics, clothing that you wear or your pet’s fur.


  1. Don’t hesitate to ask the ingredients of the menu when eating at restaurants, parties or when eating foods prepared by someone else. It is important to know this information for your safety and precaution. Always bring with you antihistamines or anti-allergy drugs as prescribed by your doctor for emergency
33 – 36 100 Health Tips
  1. If possible, wear an ID bracelet that indicates your This will help other people know what triggers your allergic reactions in cases of emergency. You may also consider telling your family members, officemates and friends about your allergies before going to a buffet. In this case, they can alert you of the food you should not take.


  1. It is important to seek help from experts such as allergist or immunologist for better diagnosis and treatment of your allergies. They may perform several tests to identify the specific triggering factors. They will also provide you medical prescription suited for


  1. It is best to check if you manifest signs and symptoms of allergies in the widely known food allergens such as soy, milk, peanuts, seafood, and eggs. If it cause you itchiness, sneezing, swelling and hives; keep it away from your home and avoid these as much as


  1. As soon as you discover that you have a food allergy, you need to adjust your meal plan as well as your nutritional intake. By getting rid of the triggering foods, you may need to supplement the nutrients lost. Diet modifications are necessary but still observe a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy body without the food that triggers your allergy.
37 – 40 100 Health Tips
  1. Sometimes the food allergens are your favorite foods which could be more difficult for you to get rid Try to condition your mind that foods and additives that can trigger your allergies are not edible. In this way, you can gradually avoid the temptation of eating or tasting bits.


  1. It is better not to eat any kind of nuts even if you are aware of the specific type of nut you are allergic to. Determine carefully the content of what you are buying because nuts are not only present in some food products but are also used as ingredients in shampoos, soaps, and


  1. Stress, tension, and anxiety can also trigger allergies. Try to determine the causes and deal with it by relaxation, meditation, reflection and other kinds of coping techniques. Drink milk before sleeping at night it can greatly contribute to a good rest thus decreases your potential to be stressed


  1. Always be ready because allergic reactions may occur anytime and anywhere. Imagine different situations in advance about having an allergy and how you can handle it if you are away from your home. This will help you prepare and think for your safety first than panic and not do anything at all.
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