The new public disease burnout or depression

The new public disease burnout or depression

The new public disease burnout or depression

First, the phone rang, then the anxiety came chasing. Like lightning from clear skies. The fear of taking the phone. The fear of the customers. The new public disease burnout or depression
The new public disease burnout or depression
The new public disease burnout or depression

More and more people are burnt out. And it’s not just people in their 40-50s. Young people right down to their 20s are in danger. Researchers estimate that as much as a third of the population is at risk of burnout to a greater or lesser extent. The new public disease burnout or depression

We have little systematic research on the phenomenon of burnout globally. Still, it is rare to see people getting sick with the burnout diagnosis. One often writes depression, and then it is understood that the reason lies in work conditions, say many researchers on the topic.

He emphasizes that burnout is not a new phenomenon.

It has occurred at all times, but then under other terms such as fatigue, fatigue, depression or simply inability. In other words, it was the employee himself who was at fault for his situation.

Today we have a much greater focus on working conditions. We see that there is an interaction between working conditions and personality.

** Those who burn

What exactly is burnout? ** It is a form of depression caused by prolonged stress. A kind of mental and physical fatigue that is primarily related to the job. But it is clear that also private conditions, problems at home, time cramps can cause burnout in combination with a hectic job.

How to find out if you are suffering from burnout or depression? Everyone can be tired. But when fatigue cannot cure after a long vacation, there is danger in the journey. You feel unrolled and without power. Some lose sleep. Gets muscle pain or becomes irritable and aggressive. Some people have trouble remembering and concentrating to name a few.

Who is exposed to burnout? Burnout can hit everyone. But especially vulnerable are people with high ambitions and a strong commitment. Or those who struggle with low self-esteem and who constantly need confirmation and recognition and who do not get it.

Some industry research has been carried out. The wear factor is high in caregivers. We know that teachers are very prone to burn out. As many as one in three teachers perceived themselves as burned out or about to become so, a study showed.

Nevertheless, it turns out that there are few teachers admitted to the psychiatric clinic. Health professionals seem to be admitted more often.


Sabbatical? One does not disregard that the long summer holidays for the teachers can be a contributing reason for them being able to move in again. They get the necessary break. The little breathing hole.

Researchers at the Institute of Occupational Research are also concerned that people must have the opportunity to take a breather from their career pursuit. The new public disease burnout or depression.

A few companies now offer the employees so-called contractual sabbaticals where they have the opportunity to take leave with pay for a shorter or longer period.

Scientists believe this will force itself to a greater extent, as it has done in some other countries. In Germany, for example, three percent of companies have introduced sabbatical schemes.

It can take months and years to recover after a proper burnout. Some never come back to business. This is too high a price to pay for both the company and the employee.

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