Slow down the aging process with proper training

Slow down the aging process

Slow down the aging process with proper training

Slow down the aging process
Slow down the aging process

Exercising your body 15 minutes daily can both slow down the aging process and gain more energy in everyday life. Win-win!

Here are some simple exercises that will give you a stronger, softer and healthier body. Repeat them two or three times, preferably every day.

1. Pelvic lift
Lie on your back with bent knees and feet on the floor, hands along your body. Lift the seat as high as you can and feel the tension of the seat muscles – stretch out the hip. Hold the position for a while and then return to the starting position. Repeat 12 times.
If you want to make the exercise heavier, you can stretch your hands/arms to the ceiling and put one foot on the opposite knee and lift the seat with only one foot on the floor. This is where you first train your seat muscles, but also your thighs.


Did you know …
… exercising 15 minutes a day can extend your life by 5 – 6 years, according to many studies. If you increase your workout to 30 minutes a day, you can live up to 9 years longer, according to the studies.

2. Outcome sideways
Stand with your feet forward, take a big step to the side, bend your knee, let the other be stretched. Shoot in and return with your foot, repeating 12 times per leg.
If you want to make it a little heavier, lean a little forward with your upper body, then you also work out the back muscles and abdomen. Here you train your legs, but also the middle part.

3. Touch the floor
Stand straight in the back, toes pointing forward. Slowly roll forward, swirl for swirl, put your hands on your thighs and slowly slide them down to the floor. Bend your knees so you can touch the floor. Feel that you are stretching your back and that it feels comfortable. Stay “hanging” for a while, relax your shoulders and neck. Slowly roll back, supporting your hands on your legs until you stay in your back again. Soft and gentle, no jerk in the back.
Also stretch your arms to the ceiling, completely straight, feel as long as you can. Repeat 3 – 4 times. This is a softening exercise that makes your back more moving. Be careful not to get dizzy.


Did you know …
… You can do things you like to do when you exercise, just do something other than sitting on the couch and stare at the TV.

4. Situps with a pat on the knees
Lie on your back with bent knees. Roll up head and shoulder blades, pat with both hands on both knees, roll back and down on the back. Repeat 12 times. This is a classic abdominal exercise where you work out the abdominal muscles. If you want to make the exercise heavier, you can roll up and lift a foot off the floor.

That’s it. There were some simple exercises you can do at home when you feel like it. Make exercise into something enjoyable and not a chore. It is easy to slow down the aging process.

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