Say less and listen more at your meetings

Say less and listen more at your meetings

Say less and listen more at your meetings.
Say less and listen more at your meetings.
Often it is those who say the most have the least to say, while the one who says the least has the most to say. Say less and listen more at your meetings. Here are some reasons why you may not want to publish all your opinions the second you get them.

You will think before you speak

By not saying the first thing that pops into your head, you have time to consider your answer. Then you don’t end up in a situation where you suddenly say something you shouldn’t have said.

You have time to think about what the other person is saying

When someone talks to you, it’s easy to zone out and just focus on snippets of what they’re saying, and then respond to it. Listen carefully to what they say and how they say it. It may be an underlying problem that you yourself did not realize.

You just want to say relevant things

If you decide to listen more and talk less, you will usually only say what is necessary and relevant to the meeting. Why waste time talking about things that don’t matter now?

If you want your opinions to make an impression, you should keep your points short and concrete so that they are not misunderstood.

You will have all the necessary information before making a choice

If you spend a great deal of time talking about listening and absorbing the information that is given to you, you will probably have a well-rounded opinion on the outcome of any decision to be made.

For example; If you are in a meeting with several people who have concerns about a particular case. Let each person speak before making a decision. Once you have gathered all the facts you will be able to make an informed decision.

You will appreciate other people’s opinions

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to convey a message to someone who does not bother to listen.

If your opinions are valued and taken into consideration. You will feel much better, not only about the situation but also about yourself. You should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.

Conversations are about giving and take. You don’t have to interrupt anyone to get your words in. If you can really listen to what is being said, process information, and use it effectively, your communication skills will only improve as time goes on. Say and listen more at your meetings


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