Acne and Scarring

Acne and Scarring

Acne and Scarring
Acne and Scarring


Just like there are different types of acne the same is true for the scars it leaves behind. This is particularly true for acne that is infected and picked with hands. Acne and Scarring. Sometimes in severe acne you do not have to pick it for scarring to occur. Here are the descriptions and characteristics of the basic scars acne leaves behind.

Ice Pick scars look like holes made by an ice pick, needle or pin. The larger Ice Pick scars look like large pores in the skin.  These scars are narrow and deep extending all the way to the dermis. Cystic acne and blemishes leave these kind of scarring behind after they heal. They are treated by a technique called punch incision or punch grafting.

 Boxcar scars are larger than the Icepick scars.  They are wider, and appear as either round or oval with steep vertical sides. Since they cause pits in the skin we refer to these kind of scars as pox marks. This is because the resemble the scars left by chicken pox. This type of scare develops as a result of tissue loss in inflammatory breakouts. They are  treated by punch elevation, dermal fillers or laser resurfacing.

 Rolling Scars get their name because they look live waves in the skin but are smooth. This scar is the result of fibrous tissue bands that develop between the skin layers. The bands pull the epidermal layer binding it to structures deeper within the skin layers. Rolling scars are treated with a surgical procedure called subcutaneous incisions or subcision.

 Hypertrophic or Keloid Scars are raised firm tissue masses. They end up to be larger than the original wound. Unlike the other scars these are not the result of tissue loss causing holes but are due to the over production of collagen in the healing process. These type of scars are treated with steroid injections, tapes and creams.


Acne scaring is teated with several options that are available depending on the severity of the scar. The use of lasers or laser skin resurfacing which lightens and smooths scars is one of the many options available.

Chemical Peels are used in cases where the skin needs to be smoothed out and evened. Chemicals are used in this case to make the skin blister and peel giving way to a new smooth epidermis. Dermabrasion or Microdermabrasion is where the outer layer of the skin is abrasively removed. This too gives way to a smoother surface. Soft tissue augmentation uses things to fill in the holes called derma fillers. The cite is injected with a substance to  make it raise to the rest of the skin’s level making the skin uniform in texture.

 There are also surgical procedures available to treat acne scaring. Subcision or subcutaneous incision, punch excision or punch elevation are all minor surgeries  uses to either elevate or remove scar tissue. The surgery cite is held in place by either sutures or glue.

For mild scaring you might want to consider one of the many creams available both by prescription and non prescription. With scars it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist first to help you make the best choice for how to treat your acne scars.

You can read more about this topic in our newly released ebook here: Easy Skincare Guide – The Practical Guide to Skincare



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