Home Care For Mild Acne

Home Care For Mild Acne Home Care For Mild Acne. Acne is actually medically referred to as different types of skin lesions. When we refer to mild acne it is a skin condition that actually consists of  white heads, black heads, papules and pustules.To simplify things we just say either broken out or pimples. When  treating mild acne at home it takes about 4 to 8 weeks to start to see a real improvement. The first consideration is getting good acne care products. Today there are many to choose from.…

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Caring for Blackheads

Caring for Blackheads  Normal skin produces oil from the sebaceous gland called sebum. It is the follicles of the sebaceous glands that secrete sebum into the skin’s pores. Caring for Blackheads. The outermost layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum sheds the oil and dead cells from the pore openings into the outer skin layer. Then it sloughs off this debris for new cells to emerge. When you have any acne the pores don’t drain they remain clogged and swell. The mildest form of acne is called comendo which can…

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Acne and Scarring

Acne and Scarring   Just like there are different types of acne the same is true for the scars it leaves behind. This is particularly true for acne that is infected and picked with hands. Acne and Scarring. Sometimes in severe acne you do not have to pick it for scarring to occur. Here are the descriptions and characteristics of the basic scars acne leaves behind. Ice Pick scars look like holes made by an ice pick, needle or pin. The larger Ice Pick scars look like large pores in…

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