10 ways to a healthy life

10 ways to a healthy life

10 ways to a healthy life Slow down the aging process, avoid lifestyle illnesses and keep your body young with these simple steps. 10 ways to a healthy life. 1. 20 minutes for the heart every other day A strong heart and good stamina are a prerequisite for getting more energy and slowing down the aging process. Be sure to get your heart rate up and sweat in your forehead for a minimum of 20 minutes. every other day. You train fitness by for example. cycling, running or walking at a…

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Anxiety and depression Q&A

Anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression Q&A Anxiety and depression can be both difficult and difficult to talk about. Here are some questions and answers from a study. 1. What exactly are anxiety and depression? A. Fear is the body’s foremost protection system that should alert us when something is dangerous. When fear is triggered time and time again by something that is not really that dangerous (repeated false alarms). Or when you may not understand why it happens, it is often called anxiety.You could say it is an excessive fear reaction, that…

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